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libtrackerboy is a utility library used by trackerboy, a Game Boy tracker. This library provides the core functionality needed by the UI, and is also known as the backend.

Looking for trackerboy?

  • The repository for the desktop application is here.
  • Click here for the user manual.

This library handles:

  • Game Boy APU emulation and sound synthesis
  • Manipulating module data
  • Module playback and exports
  • Reading/Writing module files


import libtrackerboy                   # import everything
import libtrackerboy/[data, io]        # import specific modules (Recommended)

Available modules:

apuGame Boy APU emulation
apuioAPU I/O access, provides ApuIo concept
commonCommon types/procs used throughout the library
dataData model
editingUtilities for editing pattern data
engineSong playback, or driver implementation
ioModule serialization/deserialization
notesNote lookup procs, note values
versionVersion type and consts
Note: Modules in the private folder (libtrackerboy/private) are private to the library and should not be imported by users of the library.

See also


runToFrame, Pcm, setFramerate, PositiveByte, readRegister, pansRight, isNil, channelMix, init, ByteIndex, channelFrequency, PcmF32, ==, MixMode, ==, setSamplerate, takeSamples, writeRegister, removeSamples, availableSamples, setBufferSize, Apu, channelVolume, reset, ChannelId, [], ==, time, Immutable, run, setVolume, toImmutable, pansLeft, [], Pcm, PositiveByte, pansRight, isNil, PcmF32, ByteIndex, ==, MixMode, ==, ChannelId, pansLeft, ==, toImmutable, Immutable, [], [], new, MixMode, editTrack, new, viewPattern, PcmF32, ==, contains, SomeTable, TrackId, ModulePiece, Track, init, nextUnused, defaultSpeed, $, defaultFramerate, duplicate, EffectIndex, patternLen, new, remove, InstrumentTable, isEmpty, revisionMinor, defaultTrackSize, [], duplicate, data, ==, WaveData, version, mitems, add, effectTypeShortensPattern, insert, capacity, editPattern, remove, defaultRpb, setLen, parseSequence, len, len, pansRight, init, setInstrument, ByteIndex, ==, setTrack, setEffectParam, [], unitSpeed, OrderId, OrderRow, Immutable, init, moveUp, Effect, viewTrack, EffectColumns, []=, estimateSpeed, new, framerate, speedToFloat, Framerate, EffectType, setLen, len, setNote, [], [], queryNote, SequenceKind, ==, [], tempo, [], [], PositiveByte, data=, init, SongList, Speed, items, setTrackLen, []=, data=, getRow, init, [], Order, [], trackIds, Pcm, [], totalTracks, removeAllTracks, Instrument, setEffect, getRow, nextAvailableId, []=, next, len, EffectCounts, Sequence, totalRows, trackLen, moveDown, new, System, speedToTempo, init, isNil, swap, TrackRow, queryInstrument, defaultRpm, add, isValid, setEffectType, init, remove, data, Waveform, InfoString, init, $, TrackLen, setLen, wavedata, Module, ==, parseWave, getTrack, items, Song, OrderSize, pansLeft, add, []=, len, toInfoString, SomeData, ChannelId, add, TableId, SequenceSize, toImmutable, WaveformTable, revisionMajor, insert, isValid, save, PositiveByte, pansRight, isNil, tracks, toAnchor, PcmF32, ByteIndex, ==, contains, PatternClip, clamp, isEffect, PatternIter, columnIter, effectNumber, ==, Immutable, init, init, restore, moveTo, Pcm, TrackColumn, TrackSelect, selection, iter, MixMode, PatternSelection, ==, ColumnIter, paste, rows, ChannelId, [], hasData, PatternCursor, toImmutable, hasColumn, PatternAnchor, translate, columns, pansLeft, [], PositiveByte, pansRight, isNil, currentSong, takeOperation, ByteIndex, ==, EngineFrame, halt, currentFrame, Engine, stepAndApply, apply, getTrackEnvelope, lock, Immutable, init, toImmutable, Pcm, isHalted, PcmF32, Module, ApuIo, unlock, MixMode, Song, jump, ==, setup, getTrackPanning, currentNote, ChannelId, ==, [], step, getTrackTimbre, reset, play, currentState, pansLeft, [], deserialize, deserialize, FormatResult, serialize, deserialize, deserialize, serialize, serialize, serialize, NoiseNote, note, lookupToneNote, lookupNoiseNote, ToneNote, noteCut, $, <=, currentVersion, v, Version, currentFileMinor, currentFileMajor, <