This document is a formal specification of the file format for Trackerboy module files, or *.tbm files. This document is for the current revision, or revision 1.1. See the revision history for previous revisions.
A Module file is a serialized form of the Module object.
For the piece file format see here.
The libtrackerboy library provides a reference implementation for serializing and deserialing module files with this format. See the io module for more documentation.
- Order - Song order data, a list of OrderRows that determine each pattern
- in the song.
- OrderRow - A track id assignment for each channel. Determines the tracks
- which make a pattern.
- Pattern - A collection of Tracks, one for each channel.
- Track - Song data for a single channel. A Track is a list of TrackRows.
Basic Types
Below are basic data types used throughout the format
Type name | Size (bytes) | Description |
Uint8 | 1 | Unsigned 8-bit integer (0-255) |
BiasedUint8 | 1 | Unsigned 8-bit integer, biased form (1-256) |
Bool | 1 | Boolean as an uint8 (0 for false, nonzero for true) |
Uint16 | 2 | Unsigned 16-bit integer, in little endian (0-65536) |
Uint32 | 4 | Unsigned 32-bit integer, in little endian |
LString | varies | Length-prefixed UTF-8 string, string data prefixed by a Uint16 length |
Error codes
Below is a list of error codes possible when deserialing/serializing a module file. After processing a file, one of these error codes, or Format Result (fr), is given.
Identifier | Code | Description |
frNone | 0 | No error, format is acceptable |
frInvalidSignature | 1 | File has an invalid signature |
frInvalidRevision | 2 | File has an unrecognize revision, possibly from a newer version of the format |
frCannotUpgrade | 3 | An older revision file could not be upgraded to the current revision |
frInvalidSize | 4 | A payload block was incorrectly sized |
frInvalidCount | 5 | The icount and/or wcount in the header was too big |
frInvalidBlock | 6 | An unknown identifier was used in a payload block |
frInvalidChannel | 7 | The format contains an invalid channel in a payload block |
frInvalidSpeed | 8 | The format contains an invalid speed in a SONG block |
frInvalidRowCount | 9 | A TrackFormat's rows field exceeds the Song's track size |
frInvalidRowNumber | 10 | A RowFormat's rowno field exceeds the Song's track size |
frInvalidId | 11 | An INST or WAVE block contains an invalid id |
frDuplicatedId | 12 | Two INST blocks or two WAVE blocks have the same id |
frInvalidTerminator | 13 | The file has an invalid terminator |
frReadError | 14 | An read error occurred during processing |
frWriteError | 15 | A write error occurred during processing |
A Trackerboy module consists of a Header, a Payload and a Terminator.
+----------------+-----------------------------------------+------------+ | | | | | Header | Payload | Terminator | | 160 bytes | size varies | 12 bytes | | | | | +----------------+-----------------------------------------+------------+ +0 +160 EOF
The figure below defines the Header structure used in all file types. All multi-byte fields are stored in little-endian. The size of the header is a fixed 160 bytes, with any unused space marked as reserved. Reserved fields can be utilized for future revisions of the format. Reserved fields should be set to zero, but this is not enforced.
The layout of the header depends on the header revision, located in offset 24. The current revision of the header is shown below.
+0 +1 +2 +3 0 +-------------------------------------------+ | | | signature ( TRACKERBOY ) | | | 12 +-------------------------------------------+ | version major | 16 +-------------------------------------------+ | version minor | 20 +-------------------------------------------+ | version patch | 24 +----------+----------+---------------------+ | m. rev | n. rev | reserved | 28 +----------+----------+---------------------+ | | | | | | | title | | | | | | | | | 60 +-------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | artist | | | | | | | | | 92 +-------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | copyright | | | | | | | | | 124 +-------------------------------------------+ | icount | scount | wcount | system | 128 +---------------------+----------+----------+ | customFramerate | | +---------------------+ | | | | | | | | reserved | | | | | | | | | 160 +-------------------------------------------+
Every trackerboy file begins with this signature:
in order to identify the file as a trackerboy file.
Version (major, minor, patch)
Version information is stored as three 4-byte words. This information determines which version of trackerboy that created the file. Versioning is maintained by keeping a major and minor version, followed by a patch number. For example, if the trackerboy version is v1.0.2, then the header's version fields will contain 0x1 0x0 and 0x2 for major, minor and patch, respectively.
Major revision (m. rev)
This version number indicates a breaking change for the file format. Starts at 0 and is incremented whenever the layout of the header or payload changes. Trackerboy will not attempt to read modules with a newer major version, but can attempt to read older versions (backwards-compatible).
Examples of breaking changes:
- Modifying the layout of the Header structure
- Adding/removing blocks to the payload
- Modifying the format of a payload block
Minor revision (n. rev)
This version number indicates a change in the format that is forward-compatible with older versions. Changes such as utilizing a reserved field in the header.
Author information (title, artist, copyright)
These fields in the header are fixed 32 byte strings. Assume ASCII encoding. Any unused characters in the string should be set to 0 or \0. Since these strings are fixed, null-termination is not needed.
icount, scount and wcount
- icount - instrument count
- scount - song count
- wcount - waveform count
These counter fields determine the number of INST, SONG and WAVE blocks present in the payload, respectively. icount and wcount can range from 0-64 and is unbiased. scount can range from 0-255 and is biased (a value of 0 means there is 1 SONG block).
The system field determines which Game Boy model this module is for. Since the driver is typically updated every vblank, the system field determines the framerate, tick rate or vblank interval for the driver. The available choices are listed in the following table:
Identifier | Value | System name | Tick rate |
systemDmg | 0 | DMG | 59.7 Hz |
systemSgb | 1 | SGB | 61.1 Hz |
systemCustom | 2 | N/A | varies |
If the system is systemCustom, then a custom tick rate is used instead of the system's vblank. The custom tick rate is stored in the customFramerate field of the header.
By default the DMG system, systemDmg, is selected.
The payload is located right after the header (offset 160). It is a variable number of "blocks" or tagged data with a size.
A block in the payload contains three parts: the id, the length and the data. The format of the block is shown below:
Offset | Size | Description |
0 | 4 | Id |
4 | 4 | Length |
8 | Length | Data |
Block types
Each block has an identifier, which determines the type of data present in the block. The table below lists all recognized identifiers in the payload.
Identifier | Uint32 | Description |
"COMM" | 0x4D4D4F43 | User set comment data for a module |
"SONG" | 0x474E4F53 | Contains a single song |
"INST" | 0x54534E49 | Contains a single instrument |
"WAVE" | 0x45564157 | Contains a single waveform |
Block ordering
Blocks are stored categorically by type in the following order:
Order | Identifier | Count |
1 | COMM | 1 |
2 | SONG | 1-256 |
3 | INST | 0-64 |
4 | WAVE | 0-64 |
COMM block format
The COMM block just contains a UTF-8 string that is the user's comment data. The string is not null-terminated since the length of the string is the length of the block. If the user has no comment set, then this block is empty (length = 0).
SONG block format
The SONG block contains the data for a single song. Songs are stored in the same order as they were in the module's song list. The first song block is song #0 and so on.
Song data is composed of the following, in this order:
- Song name
- A SongFormat record
- The song order, as an array of OrderRow
- The track data, as a sequence of TrackFormat and RowFormat records
Song name
The first part of a SONG block is the song's name, as an LString
Following the name is a SongFormat record:
Offset | Size | Type | Field name |
+0 | 1 | BiasedUint8 | rowsPerBeat |
+1 | 1 | BiasedUint8 | rowsPerMeasure |
+2 | 1 | Uint8 | speed |
+3 | 1 | BiasedUint8 | patternCount |
+4 | 1 | BiasedUint8 | rowsPerTrack |
+5 | 2 | Uint16 | numberOfTracks |
- rowsPerBeat: number of rows that make up a beat, used by the front end for highlighting and tempo calculation.
- rowsPerMeasure: number of rows that make up a measure, used by the front end for highlighting.
- speed: Initial speed setting for the song in Q4.4 format
- patternCount: number of patterns for the song
- rowsPerTrack: the size, in rows, of a track (all tracks have the same size).
- numberOfTracks: number of tracks stored in this song block.
Song Order
Next is the song order, an array of OrderRow records with the dimension being the patternCount field from the song format record. An OrderRow record is a set of 4 Uint8 track ids, with the first being the track id for channel 1 and the last being the id for channel 4.
Track data
Finally, the rest of the block contains the pattern data for every track in the song. Each track gets its own TrackFormat record and an array of RowFormat records.
The TrackFormat record:
Offset | Size | Type | Field name |
+0 | 1 | Uint8 | channel |
+1 | 1 | Uint8 | trackId |
+2 | 1 | BiasedUint8 | rows |
- channel (0-3): determines which channel the track is for
- trackId (0-255): determines the track id to use for this track
- rows: the number of RowFormat records that follow this structure
The RowFormat record:
Offset | Size | Type | Field name |
+0 | 1 | Uint8 | rowno |
+1 | 8 | TrackRow | rowdata |
- rowno: the index in the track's row array to set
- rowdata: the data to set at this index
The last RowFormat record for the last track ends the SONG block.
INST block format
The INST block contains the data for a single instrument. The data is structured in this order:
- The instrument's id, Uint8
- The instrument's name, LString
- An InstrumentFormat record
- SequenceFormat records
Id and name
The INST block data begins with a 1 byte id (0-63), followed by an LString name.
After the instrument's name is an InstrumentFormat record:
Offset | Size | Type | Field name |
+0 | 1 | Uint8 | channel |
+1 | 1 | Bool | envelopeEnabled |
+2 | 1 | Uint8 | envelope |
- channel (0-3): determines which channel the instrument is for
- envelopeEnabled (0-1): the instrument's envelope enable setting
- envelope: the instruments envelope setting
Sequence data
The sequence data follows the InstrumentFormat record. Data for a sequence is structured as a SequenceFormat record followed by the sequence data. There are 4 sequences for every instrument. The kind of sequence the data is for is determined by its order in the block:
Order | SequenceKind |
0 | skArp |
1 | skPanning |
2 | skPitch |
3 | skTimbre |
The SequenceFormat record:
Offset | Size | Type | Field name |
+0 | 2 | Uint16 | length |
+2 | 1 | Bool | loopEnabled |
+3 | 1 | Uint8 | loopIndex |
- length (0-256): the length of the sequence
- loopEnabled (0-1): determines whether there is a loop index
- loopIndex: the index of the loop point (0 when loopEnabled = 0)
The sequence data follows the record and is an array of bytes with dimension being the length field in the record.
The last sequence (SequenceFormat + data) ends the INST block.
WAVE block format
The WAVE block contains the data for a single waveform. The data is structured in this order:
- The waveform's id, Uint8
- The waveform's name, LString
- The waveform's data, a 16 byte array of packed 4-bit PCM samples
id and name
Same as INST blocks, the WAVE block's data begins with the waveform's id and name.
Waveform data
Next is the waveform's data, a 16 byte array of 32 4-bit PCM samples, with the same layout as the Game Boy's CH3 Wave RAM. The first sample in the waveform is the upper nibble of the first byte in the array, whereas the last sample is the lower nibble of the last byte in the array.
The waveform data ends the WAVE block.
Following the payload is the terminator, which signifies the end of the file. The terminator is the signature, reversed:
There should be no data after this terminator. Any data after the terminator will be ignored.
Revision history
Changes to the file format are listed here, ordered from new to last. Revision names use alphabet letters ie A, B, C, .., Z, AA, AB, .. onwards. Any change in the major or minor version results in the letter being advanced.
Revision C (1.1)
- Introduced in Trackerboy v0.6.0.
- adds a new effect, Jxy, for setting the global volume
- added specification for instrument/waveform files (*.tbi/*.tbw)
Revision B (1.0)
- Introduced in Trackerboy v0.5.0, adds multiple song support.
- file revision is now a major/minor set of numbers
- SONG, INST, and WAVE blocks each store a single song, instrument and waveform, respectively.
- The payload can now contain up to 256 songs
- Removed the INDX block
- Removed numberOfInstruments and numberOfWaveforms fields
- Added scount, icount and wcount fields at offset 124 (replacing the removed numberOf* fields). These fields contain the number of SONG, INST and WAVE blocks present in the payload. Note that only scount is biased (0 => 1).
- String encoding now specified for all strings. Header strings use ASCII, everything else uses UTF-8.
- LString now uses a 2-byte length instead of 1-byte
- Added a terminator to the format
Revision A (0.0)
First initial version, introduced in Trackerboy v0.2.0.