libtrackerboy is a utility library used by trackerboy, a Game Boy tracker. This library provides the core functionality needed by the UI, and is also known as the backend.
Looking for trackerboy?
This library handles:
- Game Boy APU emulation and sound synthesis
- Manipulating module data
- Module playback and exports
- Reading/Writing module files
import libtrackerboy # import everything import libtrackerboy/[data, io] # import specific modules (Recommended)
Available modules
Module | Description |
apu | Game Boy APU emulation |
apuio | APU I/O access, provides ApuIo concept |
common | Common types/procs used throughout the library |
data | Data model |
editing | Utilities for editing pattern data |
engine | Song playback, or driver implementation |
io | Module serialization/deserialization |
ir | Intermediate representation for import/export |
notes | Note lookup procs, note values |
text | Text conversion and parsing |
tracking | Music tracking and pathing |
version | Version type and consts |
Exporter modules
Modules that provide exporting to other formats are located in the exports subfolder, libtrackerboy/exports.
Module | Description |
wav | Wav file exporter |
Engine modules
These modules are mostly only used by the engine module, but can be imported if low-level details of the engine are needed.
Module | Description |
apucontrol | APU Register writes |
enginecontrol | Core components of the Engine |
enginestate | Current state of the Engine |
frequency | Frequency effects |
Modules in the private folder (libtrackerboy/private) are private to the library and should not be imported by users of the library.
See also
iptr, PositiveByte, pansRight, isNil, channelMix, ByteIndex, ==, ==, Tristate, iref, writeRegister, ==, [], Apu, channelVolume, setBufferSize, ==, time, immutable, readRegister, initApu, Pcm, setFramerate, availableSamples, PcmF32, ==, run, isNil, items, MixMode, ==, setSamplerate, takeSamples, ==, channelFrequency, removeSamples, ChannelId, add, ==, capacity, ==, ==, [], FixedSeq, reset, runToFrame, setVolume, immutable, pansLeft, [], Pcm, iptr, PositiveByte, PcmF32, isNil, ==, ByteIndex, ==, ==, Tristate, ==, iref, ==, ==, add, ==, capacity, isNil, ChannelId, FixedSeq, [], ==, immutable, ==, ==, immutable, [], items, [], initTrackRow, clone, iptr, clone, isValid, isValid, capacity, trow, ==, PcmF32, []=, SomeTable, orow, TrackId, ModulePiece, hash, iref, Track, initTrackView, ==, initPattern, nextUnused, initSongList, toOption, defaultSpeed, viewTrack, toEffectCmd, duplicate, editTrack, getPatternView, shortensPattern, ==, noteNone, totalRows, InstrumentTable, ==, SongSpan, ==, isNil, [], <=, data, data, ==, all, WaveData, initInstrument, hash, initModule, SomeData, add, ==, instrumentNone, capacity, editPattern, NoteColumn, len, defaultRpb, len, trackLen=, newModule, len, isValid, isValid, has, initWaveformTable, initWaveform, items, Pattern, [], ByteIndex, ==, Tickrate, InstrumentColumn, initEffect, allocateTracks, isValid, getRow, [], initLoopPoint, unitSpeed, value, asSlice, PatternView, OrderRow, toOption, immutable, isValid, Effect, removeUnusedTracks, $, effectNone, uniqueIds, []=, [], initTrack, estimateSpeed, SongPos, <, initOrderRow, tempo, revisionMinor, defaultTickrate, =copy, len, getTickrate, items, [], has, $, noLoopPoint, effectCharMap, SequenceKind, ==, toSpeed, tempo, instrumentColumn, items, [], [], $, PositiveByte, effectiveTickrate, toFloat, SongList, clone, Speed, LoopPoint, Tristate, ==, mget, OrderLen, viewPattern, getRow, songSpan, [], TableId, getTrackView, patternLen, Order, noteColumn, ==, [], ==, initTrack, items, trackIds, totalRows, Pcm, EffectCmd, totalTracks, ==, removeAllTracks, Instrument, defaultTrackLen, nextAvailableId, value, $, next, $, trackLen, ==, initSong, mitems, songSpan, isEmpty, ==, SomePattern, effectCmdToChar, toInfoString, immutable, mitems, ==, initLoopPoint, System, SequenceLen, isNil, isValid, isValid, TrackRow, newSong, initSequence, defaultRpm, getPattern, WaveformTable, add, isValid, contains, SomeTrack, remove, Waveform, initInstrumentTable, ==, InfoString, isValid, $, EffectCounts, TrackLen, ==, PatternRow, toView, setLen, Module, ==, tempo, getTrack, items, Song, noteColumn, [], initOrder, version, len, Sequence, TrackView, rangeSpeed, ChannelId, add, hertz, get, FixedSeq, toView, ==, patternLen, songPos, revisionMajor, isValid, isValid, save, PasteMode, toAnchor, initPatternSelection, ByteIndex, initPatternClip, PatternClip, contains, trackSelects, effectNumber, PatternCursor, SelectionFit, moved, restore, getFit, TrackColumn, hasOnlyEffects, TrackSelect, initPatternSelection, initPatternAnchor, isEffect, PatternSelection, data, initPatternCursor, pos, paste, clamped, ChannelId, hasData, selection, paste, noSelection, PatternAnchor, toSelect, mget, trow, ==, SomeTable, TrackId, ModulePiece, NoteColumn, EngineFrame, nextUnused, ChannelAction, getPatternView, items, isHalted, ==, duplicate, ==, WaveData, tick, ==, defaultRpb, noteColumn, isValid, initWaveformTable, removeUnusedTracks, ByteIndex, Tickrate, [], apply, pos, TrackLen, trackPanning, $, lock, estimateSpeed, tempo, ChannelState, ==, toSpeed, items, uniqueIds, viewPattern, getOp, SongList, clone, jump, toAddress, Speed, TrackerStatus, ApuOperation, initModule, ApuIo, trackLen=, removeAllTracks, isHalted, value, ==, len, ==, totalRows, toOption, isRunning, effectCmdToChar, SequenceLen, isNil, isValid, defaultRpm, <=, SomeTrack, $, remove, initInstrumentTable, trackLen, runtime, PatternRow, ==, tick, getTrack, jump, ==, len, runtime, ==, clone, iptr, isValid, ==, PcmF32, trackState, orow, initTrackView, ==, defaultSpeed, all, initTrack, isValid, ==, trackTimbre, InstrumentTable, Counter, noteColumn, mitems, add, newModule, len, isValid, ==, initEffect, frame, unitSpeed, EffectCounts, OrderRow, immutable, Effect, [], songPos, isValid, has, $, effectCharMap, isLocked, ==, halt, effectiveTickrate, asSlice, songSpan, [], TableId, initTrackRow, items, ==, nextAvailableId, patternLen, initLoopPoint, UpdateFlags, TrackRow, newSong, getPattern, toView, add, isValid, initSongList, InfoString, $, unlocked, initOrder, patternLen, mitems, add, getTickrate, hash, updateAll, Track, [], initPattern, toEffectCmd, isEmpty, SongSpan, data, TrackerResult, SomeData, capacity, editPattern, isEnabled, hash, len, Tracker, initWaveform, get, [], InstrumentColumn, patternRepeat=, isValid, getRow, data, getPath, effectsFilter, effectNone, []=, initOrderRow, ==, tick, [], SequenceKind, tempo, noLoopPoint, [], toFloat, Tristate, $, clone, ApuRegister, initTrack, shortensPattern, Pcm, unlock, totalTracks, noteNone, Instrument, defaultTrackLen, revisionMinor, $, songSpan, trackEnvelope, reset, immutable, takeOperation, toInfoString, WaveformTable, contains, Engine, tickAndApply, Module, tempo, trackerResult, initCounter, SongPath, UpdateFlag, rangeSpeed, FixedSeq, SongPos, revisionMajor, allocateTracks, editTrack, patternRepeat, speed, iref, isValid, viewTrack, capacity, toView, setup, initInstrument, ChannelUpdate, instrumentNone, effectsFilter=, note, <, has, Pattern, initTracker, =copy, value, initSong, isValid, noCounter, ==, runtime, ==, defaultTickrate, len, initChannelState, [], instrumentColumn, PositiveByte, items, ==, LoopPoint, toOption, OrderLen, song, getTrackView, Order, [], trackIds, totalRows, next, EffectCmd, version, locked, getRow, initLoopPoint, SomePattern, initEngine, System, halt, initSequence, filter, PatternView, isNil, Waveform, isValid, ==, isPlaying, setLen, items, Song, [], []=, Sequence, TrackView, ChannelId, hertz, play, deserialize, deserialize, FormatResult, serialize, deserialize, deserialize, serialize, serialize, serialize, DFlat, A, FSharp, CSharp, EFlat, G, noteCut, NoteIndex, E, toNote, C, D, B, lookupNoiseNote, Letter, ToneNote, AFlat, DSharp, toNote, GFlat, NoteRange, toPair, lookupToneNote, BFlat, F, NoiseNote, GSharp, ASharp, toNote, notePair, NoteType, NotePair, Octave, orderRowText, litSequence, noValueChar, FixedString, TrackRowString, effectText, waveText, sequenceText, OrderRowString, parseWave, parseOrderRow, NoteString, parseTrackRow, parseInstrument, litOrderRow, noteText, parseOrderRow, $, InstrumentString, litTrackRow, parseEffectCmd, parseWave, litNote, instrumentText, trackRowText, parseEffect, parseInstrument, litWave, parseSequence, parseNote, parseTrackRow, EffectString, litInstrument, litEffect, WaveDataString, parseEffect, parseNote, getOp, TrackerResult, Tracker, speed, initTracker, ==, patternRepeat=, isValid, halt, filter, TrackerStatus, pos, tick, effectsFilter, noCounter, runtime, isHalted, getPath, runtime, trackerResult, jump, Counter, initCounter, tick, patternRepeat, effectsFilter=, isEnabled, runtime, SongPath, isRunning, currentVersionString, currentVersion, currentFileSerial, Version, currentFileMinor, currentFileMajor, Order, duplicate, getTickrate, trow, ==, contains, SomeTable, TrackId, ModulePiece, hash, Track, noLoopPoint, nextUnused, len, mget, toEffectCmd, ==, getPatternView, items, initTrack, totalRows, SongSpan, data, data, WaveData, songDuration, version, SomeData, capacity, editPattern, SongDuration, defaultRpb, len, isValid, initWaveformTable, initWaveform, removeUnusedTracks, WavExporter, Tickrate, InstrumentColumn, initPattern, isValid, getRow, [], ==, ChannelId, $, TrackLen, effectNone, []=, estimateSpeed, <=, noteColumn, initOrderRow, tempo, Pcm, $, has, ==, initOrder, [], SequenceKind, toSpeed, tempo, $, items, [], [], $, toFloat, SongList, clone, Speed, hasWork, Tristate, viewPattern, WavConfig, patternLen, clone, ==, initTrack, shortensPattern, [], initModule, TrackRow, noteNone, trackLen=, removeAllTracks, Instrument, defaultTrackLen, value, ==, len, songSpan, totalRows, toOption, effectCmdToChar, exportWav, immutable, initWavExporter, SequenceLen, isNil, toInfoString, WaveformTable, SomeTrack, remove, initInstrumentTable, ==, $, trackLen, Module, tempo, getTrack, [], initSong, len, initSequence, rangeSpeed, [], FixedSeq, songPos, revisionMajor, clone, iptr, allocateTracks, isValid, PcmF32, ==, orow, songDuration, iref, initTrackView, ==, <, all, viewTrack, isValid, editTrack, initWavConfig, ==, toView, ==, InstrumentTable, ==, [], instrumentColumn, process, hash, totalTracks, add, NoteColumn, newSong, InfoString, newModule, isValid, has, isValid, patternLen, Pattern, progress, =copy, initEffect, unitSpeed, value, OrderRow, immutable, defaultSpeed, Effect, ==, SongPos, ByteIndex, revisionMinor, defaultTickrate, len, capacity, Sequence, effectCharMap, PositiveByte, effectiveTickrate, items, LoopPoint, toOption, isValid, OrderLen, asSlice, ==, PatternRow, songSpan, uniqueIds, TableId, getTrackView, batched, initTrackRow, [], ==, isEmpty, items, trackIds, next, EffectCmd, ==, progressMax, getRow, initLoopPoint, nextAvailableId, EffectCounts, get, TrackView, ==, SomePattern, ==, initLoopPoint, mitems, System, isValid, [], getPattern, toView, add, isValid, initSongList, PatternView, isNil, Waveform, $, ==, setLen, initInstrument, items, Song, noteColumn, []=, mitems, defaultRpm, add, hertz, ==, isValid, instrumentNone