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Engine control.

This module contains the core components of Engine, and is responsible for music and sound effect playback of TrackerBoy modules.

A brief overview of these components:

  • fc, FrequencyControl - handles frequency calculation and effects. Each track has its own fc.
  • ir, InstrumentRuntime - for performing an instrument by stepping through its sequences. Each track has its own ir, as one instrument is played per track.
  • tc, TrackControl - handles the state of a channel for a track. It serves as a container for an fc and ir, and ticks them when it is ticked. A tc also handles note triggers and cuts.
  • mr, MusicRuntime - handles the performance of a Song. It is a container for a tracker and each channel's tc. It also manages the state of each channel.

This module is part of the inner workings of the engine module, and has an unstable API.


MusicResult = object
  halted*: bool
  locked*: set[ChannelId]
Result object from ticking a MusicRuntime.
  • halted: true if the runtime halted at this tick
  • locked: A set of channels that were explicitly locked by the L00 effect.
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MusicRuntime = object
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proc halt(r: var MusicRuntime) {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func initMusicRuntime(song: Song; startAt: SongPos; patternRepeat: bool): MusicRuntime {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc jump(r: var MusicRuntime; song: Song; pattern: Natural) {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func note(r: MusicRuntime; ch: ChannelId): uint8 {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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func pos(r: MusicRuntime): SongPos {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func speed(r: MusicRuntime): Speed {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func status(r: MusicRuntime): TrackerStatus {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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proc tick(r: var MusicRuntime; song: Song; itable: InstrumentTable;
          unlocked: set[ChannelId]; apuOp: var ApuOperation): MusicResult {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Steps the runtime for 1 frame or tick. Returns true if the runtime halted or is currently halted. Afterwards, the frame variable will be updated with the details of the tick that was just stepped. Also, op will be updated with the necessary changes to the Apu as a result of this tick. Source   Edit  
func trackEnvelope(r: MusicRuntime; ch: ChannelId): uint8 {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func trackPanning(r: MusicRuntime; ch: ChannelId): uint8 {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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func trackState(r: MusicRuntime; ch: ChannelId): ChannelState {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func trackTimbre(r: MusicRuntime; ch: ChannelId): uint8 {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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Order, ChannelUpdate, mget, getTickrate, trow, ==, SomeTable, TrackId, ModulePiece, hash, updateAll, Track, [], initPattern, nextUnused, ==, $, toEffectCmd, ChannelAction, getPatternView, items, isHalted, ==, SongSpan, duplicate, data, ==, WaveData, tick, TrackerResult, SomeData, ==, capacity, editPattern, ==, isEnabled, defaultRpb, hash, len, isValid, initWaveformTable, initWaveform, removeUnusedTracks, ByteIndex, get, Tickrate, InstrumentColumn, patternRepeat=, isValid, getRow, [], toOption, getPath, pos, initCounter, trackLen, effectsFilter, $, effectNone, []=, estimateSpeed, initOrderRow, tempo, ==, tick, ChannelState, uniqueIds, SequenceKind, ==, toSpeed, tempo, $, items, [], [], Tracker, viewPattern, toFloat, SongList, clone, Speed, Tristate, getOp, $, patternLen, clone, speed, initTrack, ApuOperation, shortensPattern, Pcm, [], totalTracks, noteNone, trackLen=, removeAllTracks, Instrument, defaultTrackLen, value, ==, revisionMinor, len, EffectCounts, ==, initSong, songSpan, totalRows, isRunning, effectCmdToChar, immutable, mitems, SequenceLen, isNil, isValid, defaultRpm, WaveformTable, <=, contains, SomeTrack, remove, data, initInstrumentTable, ==, TrackLen, runtime, PatternRow, Module, tempo, getTrack, jump, [], trackerResult, ==, len, SongPath, UpdateFlag, rangeSpeed, FixedSeq, runtime, ==, songPos, revisionMajor, clone, iptr, allocateTracks, isValid, isValid, editTrack, isEmpty, PcmF32, orow, iref, initTrackView, ==, defaultSpeed, all, viewTrack, initTrack, isValid, capacity, ==, toView, InstrumentTable, patternRepeat, [], Counter, initInstrument, noteColumn, initModule, mitems, add, instrumentNone, NoteColumn, newModule, len, isValid, has, <, Pattern, initTracker, ==, =copy, initEffect, unitSpeed, value, OrderRow, immutable, isValid, Effect, noCounter, noLoopPoint, ==, TrackerStatus, runtime, SongPos, ==, isValid, defaultTickrate, len, has, $, initChannelState, effectCharMap, [], instrumentColumn, PositiveByte, effectiveTickrate, items, ==, LoopPoint, toOption, halt, OrderLen, PatternView, songSpan, [], TableId, getTrackView, initTrackRow, effectsFilter=, [], items, trackIds, totalRows, next, EffectCmd, version, ==, getRow, initLoopPoint, nextAvailableId, EngineFrame, patternLen, SomePattern, initLoopPoint, System, UpdateFlags, TrackRow, newSong, initSequence, getPattern, toView, add, isValid, filter, initSongList, asSlice, isNil, Waveform, InfoString, isValid, $, ==, setLen, items, Song, noteColumn, initOrder, []=, Sequence, toInfoString, TrackView, ChannelId, add, hertz